Running through the novel is the Greek myth of Alcestis, and Euripides’s play of the same name. “Therapy is very important to me and has been a major part of my life,” he says. The therapeutic setting was inspired by Michaelides’s own experience. The Silent Patient is narrated by Theo Faber, a psychotherapist determined to discover why Alicia Berenson, a famous artist accused of murdering her husband, has refused to speak since her husband’s death. Meet the hottest-tipped debut novelists of 2019 I don't understand why Theo wants to break her silence only to make her silent? I guess to find out why? But.he had to know she'd remember? Maybe I missed it and need to go back and listen to the last few chapters again.

I'm not sure it was ever revealed as to why Alicia decided to become silent.

However, these two storylines set the stage for answers to the following questions and do come together for an amazing "Oh, Wow!": What exactly happened that day between Alicia and her husband? Why exactly is she not talking? Why is Theo, the psych guy, obsessed with her? I don't think you'll be disappointed with this read. almost so that maybe the book description was a bit misleading. At times I felt more pages were spent on developing Theo's story than Alicia's. :) The book is based on two main characters and goes back and forth between them. The reading (and music tone) on this audio book was very well done! I was drawn into the story from the start and didn't want to put it down.